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My Graphic Design Pieces

I am so excited to share 4 of my original graphic design pieces inspired by my trip in this post! The theme of the collection is distortion. In Japan, I was inspired by the clever blend of practicality and design. While often, design is sacrificed for practicality or vice-versa, I was impressed by the Japanese's ability to cleverly integrate beauty into almost everything. If everything has the potential to be well-designed, why then, do most products fail to consider aesthetics and focus solely on functionality? What makes one thing beautiful and another ordinary? Could ordinary visuals be distorted into something beautiful? I chose to focus on distortion because I wanted to tip toe back and forth along the line of functionality and beauty by taking ordinary visuals people are familiar with and forcing them to think about them in a different light. My goal wasn't to mimic the brilliant cohesion of design and practicality that I witnessed in Japan, but to question the natur

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